Phone: 973-940-3166
Fax: 973-940-3170
Billing: 570-386-2366

Prior To Your Surgery

Once your doctor schedules you at our facility please follow the instructions below prior to your arrival at the Center. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 973-940-3166.

  • It is very important that you speak to a nurse prior to your surgery. You will also need to complete your pre-registration online using One Medical Passport.
  • You will receive a call from one of our qualified RNs. Please be ready to provide a detailed medical history and an accurate list of all your medications.
  • If you have not heard from a Specialty Surgical Center representative, please call us at 973-940-3166.
  • You will receive a phone call the day before your procedure between 2 pm- 4 pm with your arrival time. We must speak to you. If you miss our call, please call us back.
  • If you become ill or develop any new health problems, please call your surgeon immediately. Changes in your health may impact your surgeon’s decision to perform surgery.
  • If you must cancel, please call your doctor’s office. We do not accept cancellations from anyone other than your doctor.
  • You may be required to fast 8 hours prior to surgery. Your pre-op nurse will give you instructions.
  • If your surgeon has ordered you to get medical clearance from your primary physician, please have this well in advance of your procedure.
  • In addition, please make sure that you have had your blood work, chest x-ray, EKG, sleep study and any other tests ordered by your surgeon or primary physician done prior to your procedure. Please be sure labs, EKG and chest x-ray have been done within 30 days.
  • We can provide crutches post-operatively if needed, but you are welcome to use your own. Please let the pre-op nurse know if you are bringing your own.
  • You will need to make sure that you have a responsible adult drive you to the Center and home afterward. Please do not plan to drive following your procedure. You will need to provide us with a name and phone number of the person who will be responsible for your ride.
  • You must also have a responsible adult stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • The adult accompanying you should also be prepared to remain on-site, receive discharge instructions with you and be prepared to stay with you following your procedure at home.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing and footwear. Leave all jewelry and valuables at home.
  • Bathe or shower the night before or morning of your surgery. If you shampoo your hair make sure that it is dry and do not use hairspray.
  • Do not wear any make-up, contact lenses, nail polish, cologne or perfumed products. You may bring eyeglasses and hearing aides. Please remove all body piercings.
  • Please be sure to bring your insurance card and photo id.
  • Sage Wipes, if given by your surgeon, are to be used the night before your procedure. Shower – let skin dry for 1 hour, then wipe down all areas excluding face and private areas.