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Allergy Testing for Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions


Sinus infections, allergic rhinitis, and other ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions affect millions of Americans each year, and it’s up to the team at Specialty Surgical Center to determine what’s causing these ailments. Fortunately, our otolaryngologists have several tools and tests at their disposal to get to the bottom of our patients ENT-related issues.

For patients who suffer from chronic allergies, sinusitis, or rhinitis, allergy testing may be an appropriate diagnostic tool to discover and alleviate symptoms. Continue reading to learn more about allergy testing, what to expect during an allergy test, and what treatment options are available for patients with allergies.

What is Allergy Testing?

Allergy testing is a medical exam that determines what a patient is allergic to using blood or skin tests. Blood tests are much less common than skin tests, but they can be used to find out what may be causing a patient’s allergic reaction. Skin tests are generally preferred when investigating skin and nasal allergies because they are fast, reliable, and often less expensive than blood tests. If you develop the following symptoms frequently, you may be a candidate for allergy testing:

  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Sinus pressure behind the forehead, cheeks, and eyes
  • Uncontrollable sneezing
  • Watery, itchy eyes
  • Postnasal drip

It’s normal to experience these symptoms during certain times of the year, especially during the spring when pollen season starts and ends. However, if you’re experiencing these symptoms year-round, it’s likely you suffer from chronic allergies caused by singular or various pollutants and allergens. The team at Specialty Surgical Center will perform an allergy test to rule out and/or identify possible allergens.

What to Expect During an Allergy Test

During a skin test, a small amount of a suspected allergen is placed on or below the skin to test possible skin reactions. There are different kinds of skin tests, but the three most common include skin prick tests, intradermal tests, and skin patch tests. No matter the test, a drop of various suspected allergens are placed under the skin and monitored. Over time, the skin will either react to the allergens or not, and your otolaryngologist will be able to determine what is causing your allergies.

Treatment Options for Allergies

Based on your test results, a Specialty Surgical Center physician will determine the best course of action for treatment. Treatment may include one or several therapies, such as prescription-strength medications, nasal sprays, eye drops, and injections. Unfortunately, these treatments will not cure your allergies, but they will significantly reduce your symptoms. Talk to your Specialty Surgical Center physician about appropriate treatment options for your allergy symptoms.

Specialty Surgical Center is located in Sparta, New Jersey and our staff consists of board certified surgeons and anesthesiologists performing procedures in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Spinal Care, Podiatry, Urology, Pain Management, ENT, Hand Surgery, Lithotripsy, Brachytherapy, GYN and Laser Surgery.

For more information about Specialty Surgical Center, call 973-940-3166 or visit our Contact Page.

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.