Important Information
You will receive a call from one of our qualified RNs. Please be ready to provide a detailed medical history and an accurate list of all your medications. Please complete your pre-registration online prior to the call from our RNs. We offer online pre-registration using One Medical Passport.
It is very important that you speak to a nurse prior to your surgery.
If you have not heard from a Specialty Surgical Center representative, please call us at 973-940-3166.
You will receive a phone call the day before your procedure between 2 pm- 4 pm with your arrival time. We must speak to you. If you miss our call, please call us back.
Remember that surgical times are approximate and are subject to change.
If you become ill or develop any new health problems, please call your surgeon immediately. Changes in your health may impact your surgeon’s decision to perform surgery.
If you must cancel, please call your doctor’s office. We do not accept cancellations from anyone other than your doctor.
You will be required to fast prior to surgery. Your pre-op nurse will give you instructions on duration of time for fasting.